Connected City at Mobile World Congress will show new connections for cars and people including augmented reality, infotainment, security and mobile payments.
Renault Kwid Lauches Bird’s-Eye View of Connected Car with Flying Copter Drones
We drivers in low riding compact cars often wish we had bird’s eye view of traffic like SUV and truck driver’s see. In the future, a car may send out a flying quadro-copter flying companion drone that will eagle scout dangers and traffic on the road ahead.
Renault besides its auto-connected concept car, the “Next Two” also showed the Kwid copter concept car at the Chicago auto show.
AUTO Connected Car Review of Chicago Auto Show News: Hyundai, Aha, Connected Car 2014 & Next
Let’s see the latest announcements for AUTO Connected Car readers from the Chicago Auto Show.
Hyundai America announced the enhanced Blue Link system Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January. Today, Hyundai announced the same Google location search will be part of an update for 500,000 Hyundai owners with the previous version of Blue Link. It offers voice Google search and navigation along with Google Glass integration.
dash App Better Driving with Car Info & Bluetooth for Android Like Automatic
Here’s an easy inexpensive way to connect to the data in car on Android via Bluetooth. Dash claims it can “make any car, a smart car.”
Dash is similar to Automatic, using Bluetooth and a connection to the OBD-II port to gather driving information and make suggestions. Automatic, however, currently only works with iPhone(Android coming soon) while Dash works with Android and will be available for iPhone in the future.
AGA Supports NHTSA Connected Car Laws
The Association of Global Automakers (Global Automakers) support vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications technology because it can to save thousands of lives.
AGA also supports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) research and V2V communications.
Audi Knows When Traffic Light will Change
Audi’s new Smart City Traffic Light Assistance tell you when the traffic light will turn green.
Traffic Light Assist or TLA uses the car’s network connection, GPS and municipal traffic control information. It displays a countdown timer in the dash to show how many seconds there are before the light changes.
Free Connected Car Webinar for 2/13 From Telematics Update
Telematics Update will host a “Personalize the Connected Car Using Contextual Data.’ webinar with industry analysts to show how the context oftelematics can make driving safer, more efficient and more enjoyable.
The free webinar will be held on Thursday, February 13 at 12 noon (EST) and is open to the entire consumer telematics community. Register