Chetan Sharma’s US Mobile Market Update – Q2 2016 shows that Internet of Things and wireless connected cars are growing rapidly. In fact, connected car growth is outpacing tablet and phone growth.
There were more connected cars net-adds than there were phone net-adds. For the seventh straight quarter, AT&T added more cars than phones and tablets combined. AT&T’s connected car onboarding pace is twice that of its connected tablets pace .
AT&T is dominating IoT Revenues and with Verizon, the both is taking much most the IoT revenue stream in the wireless operator segment.
Mobile data revenues increased 8 percent Year over Year while Voice revenues declined 31 percent.
Verizon’s IoT and Telematics rose 25 percent Year over Year to $205M inching towards a $1 Billion a year run rate.
Sharma reported that AT&T and Verizon are making investments to diversify their revenue streams. AT&T in particular has done a better job across multiple streams – content, home, IoT, health, transportation, retail, security, and other verticals. Some of the progress is visible in the financials and for others, one must dig deeper.
Chetan Sharma Consulting is one of the most respected management consulting and strategic advisory firms in the mobile industry. His reports not only contain data but shows trends within the industry.