Hyperloop brings airplane speeds to ground level, safely. Passengers and cargo capsules will hover through a network of low-pressure tubes between cities and transforming travel time from hours to minutes.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies met with officials from the United States Department of Transportation at HyperloopTT’s research facilities in Toulouse, France. The officials were able to see the world’s first completed full-scale track system as it undergoes optimization and integration prior to the construction of the commercial system in Abu Dhabi. With tubes assembled and pumps installed, HyperloopTT is now beginning the process of integrating their full-scale passenger capsule for human trials in 2020.
Additionally, members of HyperloopTT met with the USDOT at the agency’s offices in Washington D.C. presenting a technical overview of Hyperloop technology and the certification guideline completed by TÜV SÜD.
In March of 2019, the USDOT announced a new council that focuses on facilitating the development of new transportation technologies like Hyperloop called NETT (Non-traditional and Emerging Transportation Technology). HyperloopTT is sharing their expertise on how best to safely regulate these technologies with the governments of the world including the European Commission and the United States.
“Today marks an important development for this company,” said Dirk Ahlborn, CEO of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies. “Not only are we building the only truly full-scale, insured, and safety certified system in the world, we are advancing our efforts to move the Hyperloop forward by sharing our technological experience and our perspective on regulatory frameworks.”
“We are moving ever closer to the moment when we will move people in the Hyperloop for the first time,” added Bibop Gresta, Chairman of HyperloopTT. “And by sharing our insights with our government colleagues in the United States and Europe, we are furthering our goal of creating the safest and most efficient form of transportation the world has ever seen.”
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT) is a transportation technology firmfocused on building the first passenger-ready Hyperloop. The Hyperloop is a carrier system with the ability to safely transfer passengers and merchandise across great distances. HyperloopTT combines new technologies with an advanced business model to create a transport system faster than the speed of sound while licensing new technologies.