The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, announces Uber has become the newest Gold member of the foundation. This announcement comes during Uber Open Summit 2018, a one-day summit for developers and community leaders advancing open source collaboration and innovation at scale, where the Linux Foundation Executive Director is giving the opening keynote.
Uber has also joined The Linux Foundation’s TODO Group, an open group of companies that collaborate on practices, tools, and other ways to run successful and effective open source projects and programs.
“Uber has been active in open source for years, creating popular projects like Jaeger and Horovod that help businesses build technology at scale,” said Zemlin. “We are very excited to welcome Uber to the Linux Foundation community. Their expertise will be instrumental for our projects as we continue to advance open solutions for cloud native technologies, deep learning, data visualization and other technologies that are critical to businesses today.”
Uber has been an active user of and contributor to open source for many years. In addition to the open source project Jaeger, a distributed tracing system Uber contributed to The Linux Foundation’s Cloud Native Computing Foundation in 2017, Uber supports numerous other open source projects for data visualization, backend infrastructure, machine learning, and more.
Uber’s Gold membership of the Linux Foundation will provide the company with access to the Linux Foundation’s experience and best practices for managing involvement with open source, and demonstrates its leadership in and dedication to the open source community. This membership will also help support other open source communities by providing additional resources and Uber’s technical expertise. At Uber Open Summit 2018, the company is highlighting projects like Jaeger, Horovod, and Pyro for machine learning, and the data visualization framework.
“Open source technology is the backbone of many of Uber’s core services and as we continue to mature, these solutions will become ever more important,” said Thuan Pham, Uber CTO. “The Linux Foundation not only provides homes to many significant open source projects, but also creates an open environment for companies like Uber to work together on developing these technologies. We are honored to join the Linux Foundation to foster greater collaboration with the open source community.”
More than 1,000 organizations are members of the Linux Foundation and the open source projects it hosts. Accenture, Alibaba Cloud, Baidu, Blackrock, Citrix, Dell EMC, Facebook, Juniper Networks, Oath, Panasonic, Renesas, SUSE, Toshiba, and Toyota are also Gold members. To learn more about Linux Foundation membership or to join the organization,