Connected car scare hacktics at Black Hat

hackinwhitecarCharlie Miller and  Chris Valasek the media darlings of car hacking claim that they will revel a vehicle “intrusion prevention device” at the Black Hat hacking conference in Las Vegas, this week. The two have appeared on CNN and in YouTube videos scaring the general public, by driving around in cars without dashboards in which one the two stops the car without the driver’s permission at very slow speeds.

Hacking connected cars is difficult but may be harder with the power of NEM

hackinwhitecarMany are concerned that connected cars can be hacked. One of the most difficult cars to hack is the Tesla S and a group is offering $10,000 to hackers who can crack it.  However, for most cars on the road today, car hacking is very difficult and requires knowledge and devices that most people don’t have.

When AUTO Connected Car asked security expert Mark Fitzgerald from Strategy Analytics about car computer hacking he said that it seldom happens.

Black Hat Hack into Connected Car: DeviCAN Can Stop Your CAN Bus

CHTdeviceThere is a Bluetooth hacking tool that can bite into the Controller Area Network of cars’ computer and can stop the car and cause a lot of mischief.

At Black Hat Asia Spanish researchers Javier Vazquez-Vidal and Alberto Garcia Illera will show a device that when connected to cars can turn off headlights, set off alarms, and roll windows down or set the parking break. The device is called deviCan Hacking Tool or CHT.