Text Less, Live More on 7/3 4 Merritt’s Way

Before we celebrate the birth of our country, Merritt’s Way, is asking people to “text less,” and “live more,” today, June 3.The organization, Merritt’s Way

Top Ten Anti-Distracted Driving Rules

There are only two days left to National Distracted Driving Awareness Month by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Several states had police officers on

Safer Cars with Seeing Machines to Stop Distracted Connected Cars

seeingdrivingIf there were people watching you in your car they would see if your eyes were not on the road, if you were sleeping and if you are incapacitated.  Soon some sources claim GM Chevy, Cadillac owners will have a friend seeing what they are doing to help them drive. Seeing Machines’ eye tracking systems using Takata hardware.

Seeing Machines is an Aussie tech company that uses Takata safety equipment. In a press release on Monday stated that Seeing Machines has an agreement with Takata and that the partnership has signed a contract to deliver the first ever mass-manufactured implementation of a driver-monitoring for a “Major Global Automotive Manufacturer.

Free app for teens to prevent texting while driving

SafeCell360iPhoneappSafeCell 360 is an app available to teenage drivers in the United States for the 2014/2015 year free. It enables the teens and parents to block apps, text messages, emails and monitor them.

The app provides parents the ability to limit the use of their teenage drivers access to their Android and iPhone devices while driving. SafeCell 360 is designed to run in the background and monitor for motion.

Even Commuters Habitually Text While Driving More than Teens

textingcomputingCommuters on freeways and highways across America watch out almost half of commuters self-reported texting while driving almost half of those who did called it a “habit” reported a survey commissioned by AT&T.