AT&T drives connected car apps for its connect car platform

ATTdrivestudioAT&T announced six voice activated apps for its AT&T Drive connected car platform.   The apps will be available to auto makers for  weather, audio, locations nad parking.

Apps include AccuWeather, Glympse, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Streetline, Inc. with the Parker app, and Tribune Digital Ventures. AT&T has partnered with TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. at the AT&T Drive Studio.

AT&T Drive allows auto makers and developers to implement their own customized connected car solutions. Drive offers a cloud-based app platform for driver speech-enabled applications for cars.

Here are the apps an what they do

  • AccuWeather gives localized current conditions, hourly, and five-day forecasts.  The AccuWeather app warns against inclement conditions, helps drivers plan and time their trips
  • Glympse,  allows connected car drivers to share their dynamic location in real-time with anyone.
  • iHeartRadio is offers thousands of live radio stations from across the country and lets users create custom stations based on an artist or song. It has big buttons/menus and uses the drivers preference.
  • Newsbeat is a mobile news  app fromTribune Digital Ventures with personalized audio streams of the day’s top articles from leading newspapers and websites.
  • Stitcher delivers on demand radio, customized radio and podcasts.
  • Parker by Streetline helps find and pay for parking with real-time from in-ground sensors and other data.

AT&T Drive Studio’s sponsorship agreement with TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. (TCS) includes support for navigation system development.