U-M SMART’s MobiPrize open for entries until August 15

U-M SMART’s MobiPrize honor new-mobility enterprises and innovators that are making the world a better place through sustainable transportation innovation. All entrepreneurs addressing transportation-related challenges

CEA CES call for connected car safety products/services deadline 8/15

otterappThe Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) is working on a technical report,  showing consumer electronic products and services that make driving  safer.

The report coming at at the 2015 International CES, January 6-9, 2015 in Las Vegas.

Companies that offer products or services to increase driver safety and reduce distracted driving should to submit descriptions to appear in the report.

$1M Challenge for mini-inverters for cars and more

googlechalleng2With the catchy phrases “think shrink”, “smaller is bigger” and  “min it to win it”, the Little Box Challenge, sponsored by Google and IEEE will pay a one million dollars to the company or entity that builds and designs a kW-scale inverter with the highest density of at least 50 watts per cubic inch.

Inverters are the boxes that convert direct current from sources such as solar panels or batteries and turns it into alternating current for use in homes, businesses or cars.

Los Angeles parking app challenge from Ford asks devs to recreate parking lots

losangelesemptyparkinglotDevelopers could win as much as $15,000 for finding new exciting creative uses for Los Angeles’ vast parking space surplus and quagmire of problems.

Los Angeles has a parking problem even though  it has the highest density of parking spaces in the world. It’s downtown contains more spaces per acre than any other city. However finding a parking spot can still be difficult and stressful.  L.A. also has a mountain-size surplus because lots are built for prime times and often vacant.